Although affiliated with the Catholic Church, St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) helps all people regardless of their race, religion, or background. St. Vincent de Paul Prince of Peace (SVdP PoP) serves people in need living in the following zip codes:
- 30011 (Gwinnett)
- 30517 (Hall & Gwinnett)
- 30518 (Buford only)
- 30519
- 30542
- 30548 (Hall & Gwinnett)
If you reside outside our service area, call St Vincent de Paul Georgia at 678-892-6163. You will be directed to the SVdP Conference assigned to your zip code.
We offer several types of services to our neighbors in need:
- Food Pantry where food is distributed each week on Wednesdays and Fridays to persons who live in the areas that we serve.
- Financial Aid for persons experiencing unexpected household expenses due to illness, injury, natural disasters, or loss of employment. When these events cause a temporary inability to pay regular bills such as rent, mortgage payment, utilities, automobile expense, medical bill, or prescription drugs, we may be able to help people get back on their feet.
- Community Pharmacy operated by St Vincent de Paul Georgia where qualified individuals may acquire prescription drugs for the treatment of chronic conditions.
- Other Community Resources which can be helpful in cases where we are unable to assist or can provide only partial assistance.
Food Pantry
We are grateful to our generous donors and the Georgia Food Bank who have given us the ability to stock our pantry shelves. We are also grateful to our dedicated Vincentian pantry volunteers who donate 100s of hours each year to package and distribute groceries each week. We helped feed over 23,000 individuals in 2024.
The pantry is located at 6439 Spouts Springs Road, Flowery Branch, GA in the lower lot at Prince of Peace Catholic Church.

Our food pantry helped feed over 23,000 individuals in 2024. Thank you to those who were able to donate food, money, and/or time to this worthy cause.
The pantry is located in the first lower lot at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. For location and volunteering details, visit our Contact Us page.
Hours of Operation
Day | Time |
Wednesday | 10:30am – 1:30pm* |
Friday | 10:30am – 1:30pm* |

We accept food, laundry soap and toilet tissue Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:30am to 10am at the pantry. You may also donate items during our regular operating hours. The SVdP box at the church is another place for you to drop off pantry items at any time. DO NOT DROP CLOTHING OR OTHER HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IN THIS BOX.
Our most needed pantry items are:
Cereal | Canned Fruit | Peanut Butter | Pancake Mix |
Canned Chicken/Tuna | Canned Veggies | Mashed Potatoes | Pancake Syrup |
Flour & Sugar | Oatmeal | Canned Ravioli | Boxed Mac & Cheese |
Pasta & Sauce | Rice | Jelly | Detergent |
Financial Aid
We accept online Financial Aid Request Forms on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each week except:
- The week before Easter Sunday
- 4th of July week
- Labor Day week
- Thanksgiving week
- Last two weeks in December

If you are unable to complete an online form, you may leave a message on our helpline @ 678-960-0048. Provide all of the information requested. Speak slowly and clearly. Spell your name and street address. A volunteer will return your call, usually within one to two weeks.
All information provided is held in strict confidence and is never shared with any other agency.
In addition to aid, we offer our healing prayers to you and your family.
Community Pharmacy
The St. Vincent de Paul Georgia Community Pharmacy provides services to the entire state of Georgia. They support residents who cannot afford to pay for their prescription maintenance medications to treat conditions such as: Diabetes, Arthritis, Asthma, Cardiovascular Disease, COPD, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Mental Health Conditions, Other Chronic Conditions.
All information provided is held in strict confidence and is never shared with any other agency.

You may ask us about the service or go directly to St Vincent de Paul Georgia Community Pharmacy . There you will find an explanation of services, and online request form and a contact email where you can submit any questions you may have.